Saturday, April 16, 2005


Fueled only by a burger and armed with my Powershot, I headed to the river valley. I was there last night too. Seems I'm turning back into the recluse I used to be. Nobody understands me as well as I do, so why bother? A came to a sudden realization this afternoon. Contrary to popular belief, Edmonton is the most beautiful city in the world. Two days ago I thought it was mostly ugly. Edmonton is home, even if I never live here again. I climbed a tree on the side of the river. I miss my younger days, where I could climb a tree with getting funny looks from people. I felt free up high. I meandered west down the river, through the trees and bushes. I came to some sort of concrete drainage pipe. I looked in. Cold air met me and the slight smell of rot. I decided to go in. After about 3 meters in I couldn't see much anymore. Not wanting to stumble across some stray animal in the pitch black, I decided to retreat and return one day with a flashlight. I continued east. Every time I put my camera away I had to take it out again. I realized that each step I took was an extra step need to get back. But I kept going. For awhile. I called it a day, that's when the fun began. 20 meters from my van, I saw a small bird pirched on the edge of a tree. It was reaching into a whole and getting bugs. Sometimes the only part you could see was the tip of the tail feathers. I moved in with my Powershot. Got a couple pics, but it flew away. Then it came back. Again and again. For awhile there were two birds. In the woods I saw a dog staring intently up into a tree. I had to investigate. Chattering away was a squirrel. The dog wasn't impressed. Went back to see how my bird friends were doing. Continued moving closer. It would fly away, but then come back. Eventually I had my camera within 2 feet of it. A passerby later thought it was a type of chickadee. I headed home, happy and content. Radio says: "Without love life is gone. Without life love goes on and on."


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