It's been a busy week. This week was parent teacher interviews for junior high. Parent's sign up for 15 minutes slots at the office, but some don't bother to sign up and just show up when we're not expecting them and unprepared. Others sign up the day of the interviews instead of two weeks ago when they were told to sign up. On Monday we had about 4 of them. We were done at about 5:15 but then had another one scheduled for 6:15 so waited around for an hour but then she never showed up. Yesterday we had 7 interviews to do which kept us busy for the better part of 3 hours. They seem to all go over 15 minutes. Today we had to do 9 interviews after school which was pretty long and grueling. Especially when we had 3 mothers all come in at the same time and then stay for an hour despite there being other parents waiting in the hall. Tomorrow is the last day thankfully. On Friday junior high is going on a field trip to some sort of science expedition. We were told about it this morning (we had no say whether we thought it was a good idea or not) and had to have permission forms made and photocopied for all the students by the end of the day. Oh well, could have been worse. This morning the grades 5 and 6 teachers were told that they are going on the same field trip tomorrow. This weeks been very hectic so far and I haven't really had any free time. Starting next week I am going to by tutoring one of my grade 7 math students, Tam for an hour on Monday (4-5) and an hour on Friday (4-5). I was kind of hoping his mom would ask me to tutor him because he does not do very good in Math and because he is a very fun student to be around. Everytime I see him outside on my way to the class room or on my way to the staff room he comes up to me and talks to me. He is quite the character.
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