
Ready to Puke
Originally uploaded by Shaggy Z.
Yesterday the junior high went to Dreamworld. We left the school a little before 9 and arrived there at about 10. One thing we noticed were the lax safety standards, which is typical of Thailand. For example, on the hanging coaster, then don't ensure that the bars have locked. Also, you can take whatever you want on the ride with you, and there are no rules saying to keep your feet and head in. Last year, Bank was on this ride and after it started realized that his bars hadn't locked. Another thing you notice that every other ride blasts Dragostea Din Tei by Ozone. And of course they don't censure any of the music they play so you even though the place is designed for kids you hear music with frequent swearing. Another fun ride was the Scorpion, which is one of those that spin so that you get stuck to the side. Mike and I went on opposite sides so we could take video of eachother. Since no one was in line we were on for like 10 minutes, so we heard Dragostea Din Tei 3 times in a row. The Viking was similar to the Flying Galleon from West Ed, basically a boat that swings back in forth. Mike and I were again on opposite sides so we make puking faces for eachother to take pics of. Fun stuff. Another highlight was Snow Town, which features a snow hill that you can ride down on a sled. It felt good to have cold hands! After lunch we did Go Karts but they were a little slow and a grade 8B student crashed right in front of me causing me to T-bone him right off the first curve so I was behind to begin with. Oh, believe it or not, right in the middle of Dreamworld is a lingerie store. Seemed kinda weird to me, but hey, Thailand is the land of weirdness. The bus ride home was uneventful and we got back around 3:20.
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