Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day! Check out Akon's music video, "Don't Matter," for a sweet Valentine's Day song. And here's one more poem before the day is over:
"Picture" ~ Samuel J. Zondervan

Angelic blond hair
Green eyes that pierce the soul
Perfect skin, soft to the touch
Smile that melts the heart
Lovely dimples, hinting at the loveliness inside
Roses, dull and withered by her radiance.

So lifelike and close
Yet miles away
Unreachable, even in her presence
What ifs and maybes
Chances never chanced upon
Too late?

Scriblings on the back…
memories and experiences
joys and laughter
fun and friendship
…these shall last forever.

Beauty, memories, emotions
Framed in a rectangle
Never blinking
I miss you.


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