Saturday, February 25, 2006


Woke up this morning to my third alarm clock at about 4:35. Its a good thing I set three of them or I would have slept in. Met up with Craig and left at about 5. Took a taxi to the train station and then about an hour train ride to Ayuttaya, the former capital of Thailand way back in the day. Its main attraction is various wats and ruins and stuff. We arrived at about 7 and rented a songthaeow/tuk-tuk hybrid. The driver took us around at various highlights of the city. Saw some old wat ruins, as well as some current wats, lots of Buddha dudes etc. One of the wats had probably like a hundred Buddha dudes surrounding it. Kinda interesting. We caught the 11 am train back and were back home by about 1. Most Saturdays I would probably be just getting out of my house by this time so it felt good to make use of a Saturday morning. Later in the afternoon went for a massage with Craig and Michelle. They stopped by Big C on the way back so I'll hook up with them later and make some plans for the evening. Ayuttaya pics should appear on Flickr soon.


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, honestly, who needs 3 alarm clocks? We even owns that many?!?

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant who...I should have previewed.

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Shaggy Z said...

I actually have 4. The 4th is annoying to set so I keep it at 6:30 and use 4 alarm clocks for weekdays. This 4th clock is the only one with snooze capabilities.


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