This blog update is dedicated to Eric. Why?, you may ask. Because he asked me for an update on my former new job. Former new job as in not that new anymore as opposed to former new job as in no longer having that job. So if anyone out there wants an entry dedicated to them respond to this and I will dedicate an entry as soon as a five dollar payment / bribe / gift is received. My job is going very well. Of all the 13 jobs I've had, this is the best so far. Canbra crushes canola seed, refines the oil, and packages it, although most of our oil goes to other companies in rail cars or tank trucks. So next time you eat a chip or a fry or put salad dressing on your lettuce, you may be eating oil that I approved. If you want to support Canbra, you can buy our oil under the "Canola Harvest" label. Our margarine is delicious. When I first tasted it I couldn't believe that it wasn't butter. Then I looked down and realized that I had pulled out the butter instead of the margarine. Margarine isn't supposed to taste like butter. That would be weird. So take that "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" crap and throw it away and buy the real deal. If you're a budget shopper you should be able to buy our product under a different label such as no name. Just look for our little kosher symbol that says COR 67. You better believe it; our products our kosher. For all your frying needs, I highly recommend our canola / olive oil blend. It's yummy. Go to
www.canolaharvest.com for some sweet recipes. You live in Japan? Don't worry, you should see Canola Harvest on your store shelves.
Hey Sam,
I feel honored to have a whole blog entry dedicated to me. It brings a tear of joy.
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hey sam. can i have a blog post dedicated to me too?? i love the videos, by the way!
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