
Originally uploaded by Shaggy Z.
Got up Saturday around 8:30 or so. Headed over to Mike's at about 9 with a couple packs of bacon. I started frying up the bacon while mike made pancakes. Melisa came by and then Craig and Michelle. Had a nice breakfast together (with Tim Horton's coffee). Went back to my place and hooked up two more speakers to my subwoofer. I want to buy some speaker wire so that I can put a speaker in each corner of the room. Nathan asked if I wanted to check out the 4-wheeler track with Tim. We went there and did a couple laps of the track. Came back here, worked on report cards awhile. Mike rented "The Interpreter" so I watched that with him. Very nice movie, you should check it out. This morning I went to CCC. They have an interim pastor now, but are searching for a pastor, so if any pastors out there are reading this and wanna preach in Thailand, you should give them a call (http://www.churchjobs.net/jobs/listings/1572.html). Went swimming after church and then headed over to Que Paso's.
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