Thursday, August 17, 2006

Walk in the Fog...

It's 4:20 am and I just got back from a walk. After watching my nightly episode of X-files, things seemed kinda blurry through my tiny basement window. Upon further investigation, I noted that my neighborhood was smothered in a shroud of fog. This doesn't happen often, so I grabbed a coat, threw on some sandals, and headed down my dark, deserted alley. The fog limited my vision to a blurry half-block. Any streetlight further than a half-block was a bright orb suspended in the air. I wondered aimlessly to safeway. The few cars than came by were heard before they were seen. I almost got lost trying to find the paved pathway that would provide me a shortcut through the park. I dodged the sprinklers and the only thing that got wet were my socks from the damp, dewy grass. I went home, grabbed my camera, and repeated my route. This time the city sprinklers had altered their path and in the pitch dark I could only hear them get nearer in their endless revolutions. My initial hesitation before my sprint to freedom was long enough for me to avoid being missed. I enjoyed the silence. I enjoyed the solitude.


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