Monday, October 02, 2006


A few of my pics from Flickr have been used in the latest Edmonton Schmap guide. The pics weren't really anything special, I guess they couldn't find any others from Rundle Park! What is Schmap? Here's some info from Wikipedia:

"Schmap is a website offering free digital travel guides for download, along with a small computer program that interacts with a Web browser to display the guides called the Schmap Player.

There are currently more than 100 city or island guides available for download from Schmap, purportedly more than the number offered by traditional paper guidebook publishers Frommers, Lonely Planet, and Fodors as individual city or island guides.

Schmap is entirely free to consumers, relying on sales from its travel store, advertising, and licensing revenue from its commercial customers for financial support.

The Schmap Player is currently available in Microsoft Windows format only. An FAQ on the Schmap website states that the company is currently developing a Mac version of the application for release in November 2006."

You can check out the guides at


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