Week in Review...
Sometimes I don't feel like typing. That's why it's been so long since I've updated. Just wanted to summarize what I've been up to since last week.
Friday: After school I head over to a nearby mall. Go to post net cafe, read my book (The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan)and have a couple milkshakes. Nathan drops by after playing video games with Mike one floor up. We go for supper at a place called Rice & Noodles. Are meal tastes freshly microwaved. After supper we split up and I decided to get another buzz cut. On my way back I buy speakers for my laptop, and then listen to sweet music in my room and read.
Saturday: Get up late, read. Work. Read. Watch Discovery Channel and eat pizza. Read. Go to bed.
Sunday: Alarm goes off at 7:30. Feeling tired with sore throat and end up sleeping till 11. Get up. Read. Work. etc.
Monday: Nothing overly interesting.
Tuesday: After school decide to go back to post net cafe and write postcards. Mail 13 of them (before that I had only sent 1 postcard since I've been here) After I go to a Thai movie called Hello Yasothorn. " Basically a rural love story that takes place in Thailand in 1967. Very weird but pretty funny. Still got a cold so go to bed as soon as I get home.
Wednesday: Feel pretty crappy all day. After tutoring I walk to Big C to buy cough syrup (mmmm grape flavour). Head to bed at 8:30.
Thursday: Also feel pretty crappy all day. After chapel, I have grade 9's write lines for an entire hour straight, no breaks. "I will stop acting like I am in kindergarten. I will respect others. I will try to set a good example for the younger students." Drink some more cough syrup. Go to bed at 8:30.
Friday: Feeling a bit better. Leave for field trip at around 10. Go to some Institute of Technology and watch a presentation about solar power. Teachers take a sweet go-kart for a spin in the parking lot. Get back around noon. At 1:30 go to fire fighter presentation in parking lot at school (gr. 1-9). Firefighters play with fire. Firefighters get student volunteers to help them play with fire. Firefighters take out giant propane tank, shoot gas straight out of it to make big flames. Repeat a couple dozen times. Get student volunteers to help them play with giant propane tank and shoot flame. Antique fire extinguisher breaks. Wrap some tape around the nozzle to fix it. Take home message: fire is really fun to play with. Good news: no student gets burnt. After school, work on report cards. At 7 head to the Sky Train with Mike, Craig and Michelle. Take it downtown. Go to Fabb Italian Restaurant and Jazz Club. Fancier then expected. All the staff wearing fancy suits and stuff. I wear blue jeans and tee shirt. Have some lasagna and Singha. Go to Starbucks. Coffee of the day and carrot cake. Pee in a bush with Mr. Craig. Take sky train back. Buy some bacon. Breakfast at Mike's tomorrow at 9.